Kevin B.

Random mission ideas for 24XX Wiz Ops play
Role Playing
Play in browser
Modern mages manning mercenary missions for money!
Role Playing
An infernal corporation for CORP BORG or other dystopian RPGs.
Role Playing
A mercantile guild of heretics for Mörk Borg and grimdark fantasy TTRPGs.
A bone-loving slime/ooze monster/creature for grimdark fantasy games. Compatible with Mörk Borg.
A grim fantasy adventure/scenario about escaping at whatever cost from the bestial wild hunt. Compatible with Mörk Borg
A brief scenario/adventure about insect cults and a fantasy apocalypse. Compatible with Mörk Borg
A bleak medieval tourney for a bored blood-countess to pass time while the world ends. Compatible with Mörk Borg.
A random table of people who probably hate your guts. Compatible with Mörk Borg and other grimdark-ish settings
A one-page mini-adventure about demon-inhabited skeletons wrapped in people skin.
A tri-fold pamphlet adventure of revenge in a blizzard after a battle. Compatible with Mörk Borg.
A mini-adventure of fungal infection and similar horrors. Compatible with Mörk Borg.

CY_BORG Library

As complete a collection as I can manage of all third-party content for CY_BORG published on Itch.